In today's post, we're going to talk about how cleansing can boost our immune system. We've previously discussed the importance of diet, supplements, sleep, and exercise, but cleansing is another key factor in maintaining a strong immune system.

Bad Bacteria and Viruses in Our Body
Many of us are walking around with an abundance of bad bacteria and viruses already in our body. These pathogens thrive on toxins such as putrefying food and heavy metals in our system. By cleansing toxins out of our body, we can starve the pathogens and allow our immune system to attack and get rid of them.
Toxins We're Exposed To
We're exposed to thousands of toxins every day. All of these toxins add to the load on our body and can make it harder for our immune system to function properly. These everyday toxins we are inadvertently consuming include:
Chemicals in the air from pollution, exhaust fumes, chemtrails, air fresheners and colognes.
Chemicals in our treated tap water from fluoride, chlorine, lead, copper, human and animal wastewater pollutants.
Chemicals in pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used on our fruits, vegetables and all other non organic food.
Chemicals used in manufactured and processed food
Chemicals in our personal care products that we put on our body (hair products, perfumes, creams, lotions, bodywash, toothpaste etc)
Chemicals present in pharmaceutical medications.
How to Get Rid of Toxins
To get rid of these toxins, we can do a detox or cleanse. A simple cleanse to start the day is by drinking a glass of clean filtered water with the juice of half a lemon. Follow that up about 20 minutes later with a freshly made juice, preferably a cold pressed juice if possible. I often recommend celery juice as it is great for boosting your mineral intake, alkalising, and improving hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can kill off bacteria and viruses and clean out the digestive tract.
Celery and Hydrochloric Acid
Most people have weak stomach acid because they've abused their diet and their digestive system for many years. This can happen through chronic stress, eating too fast or eating while working, antacid overuse, consuming bacteria that is on our food, which we can’t even see, and by eating a diet overly high in protein and fats for too long.
If we have weak stomach acid, it is more likely that the bad bacteria and viruses can reproduce and start attacking our organs and making us sick. Celery juice boosts our stomachs hydrochloric acid naturally, and helps to get rid of pathogens.
Heavy Metal Detox Foods
Another good option is eating foods that detox heavy metals out of the body such as fresh coriander, as viruses love to eat heavy metals. Common heavy metals found in our system are mercury, aluminium, copper and lead. They are toxic to us but viruses love them. The more heavy metals that we have in our body, the more viruses will come to join the party and have a big feast.
Avoiding Toxins
To build a healthy strong immune system we need to help our body to cleanse and detox. A good start is to avoid takeaways, high-fat foods, fast foods, processed foods, refined sugar, wheat, dairy, eggs, and conventional meat products, as viruses and bad bacteria love to eat these foods too. Also, avoid alcohol, smoking, drugs, antiperspirants, most commercial personal care products and other things that can add to the toxic load on our body.
The Benefits of Cleansing
By cleansing and detoxing the body, we will free up our immune cells to be primed and ready to fight off the viruses and bad bacteria already within us, and any new invaders that we may come across day to day.
Contact Centred Fitness if you need help with formulating a cleansing and detox program suited to your individual needs.